Dairy Herdsperson Training | Herdsperson herd manager

We offer 2 formats of this training course:

Starter herdsman course
Advanced herdsman course

Starter training for Herdsmen

An Evolution Farm Vets Dairy Herdsman Course

Starter Herdsperson Training

1 day training

£250 + VAT

Open to all potential herdsmen

Training tutor: Sally Wilson BVMS DBR MRCVS

This 1-day training has been developed to help farm staff who have little to no knowledge of dairy cow herds but would like to gain training with the long-term aim of working full-time as a herdsman with dairy cows. It also suits farm workers who have some basic experience of dairy cow herds and want to gain more knowledge and practical experience.

What you can expect from this training:

  • Both theory and practical elements to the day
  • In-depth training on:
    • The structure and future of dairy herd farming and the herdsman role
    • Which area of dairy farming would be most suited to your abilities and where you would be most able to make a worthwhile contribution
    • Basic herdsperson skills such as cattle handling and herd behaviour with a strong emphasis on welfare
    • The main areas where herdsmen can make a difference, financially, within dairy farming
    • A day in the life of a quality dairy herdsman

To find out the next dates for this course or to book a place, simply call us on 01278 734828 or use the form below.


Advanced training for experienced herdsmen

An Evolution Farm Vets Course

Advanced Herdsperson Training

1 OR 2 day training

£265 + VAT for 1 day; £499 + VAT for 2 days

Open to all experienced Dairy Herdsmen and Assistant Herd Managers

Training tutor: Sally Wilson BVMS DBR MRCVS

This training will help herdsmen with strong manager capabilities who wish to expand their knowledge and has been developed to help you step up to the next level of herdsman skill.

What you can expect from this training:

  • This is a 1 or 2 day course. You can choose to attend either or both days
  • There are both theory and practical elements to both days
  • Emphasis is placed on practical, veterinary and herd welfare-based skills
  • Aimed at experienced herdsmen who would like to progress their career and reach their potential
  • In-depth training on:
    • Day 1:
      • Common herdsperson technical procedures e.g. stomach tubing, blood sampling, injection techniques
      • Condition scoring and herd management
      • Preparing for calving
      • Calving: best practice; difficult calvings
    • Day 2:
      • Dry cow management: the practical elements herdsmen should know
      • Fresh dairy cow management: monitoring performance, problem cows
      • Lactation: getting the best from your herd; disease monitoring; vaccination policy

On booking this herdsman training, you will receive a short questionnaire asking for details of your dairy farming experience. This will enable our tutor to plan the day(s) to give best value to each attendee.

To find out the next dates for this course or to book a place, simply call us on 01278 734828 or use the form below.

Places are limited to enable maximum individual training.

Booking now!

We have 1 course(s) of this type booking now:

Evolution Farm Vets Advanced Herdspersons Course
Evolution Farm Vets
Inwood Farm

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