1 day calf rearing course
£199 + VAT
Open to All
Tutor: Sally Wilson BVMS DBR MRCVS
This vet led calf rearing course for farmers provides the basics of a good calf rearing guide to help all who are involved in rearing new born heifer and/or bull calves and who want to expand their knowledge and progress their careers and/or start a calf rearing business.
Rearing dairy heifer calves in the second-largest annual expense for dairy farms, accounting for about 1/5th of production costs. Optimising growth in heifer and/or bull calves saves you money!
What you can expect this calf rearing course to provide:
- an emphasis on achieving and maintaining the best calf rearing growth rate from birth to weaning
- a platform of knowledge and skill from which your ongoing rearing experience will enable you to realise every calf's potential, especially in a block calving set-up to avoid 'block slippage'
- a review of some of the latest work from the U.S. showing the best way to achieve the fastest growth rates and the best calf health during rearing
- an awareness of the most common dairy heifer or bull calf rearing illnesses, how to identify them in the early stages and thus enable treatment sooner and, more importantly, how to reduce the rate of calf disease to maximise calf survival
- an emphasis on practical rearing in areas such as checking colostrum quality, taking calf blood sand checking immunity levels in young calves
- the ability to perform a basic clinical examination of a calf, to quickly recognise a sick calf and a knowledge of the range of treatments available
Other areas covered include calf rearing guides to weaning of the new born calf, nutrition, how to 'feed to succeed' and expert advice for young, weaned and older calves.
Places are limited on our calf rearing course to enable maximum individual practical tuition.