Bovine PD scanning | Cattle scanning | PD cows

An Evolution Farmer Training bovine pregnancy scanning course for farmers

This is a DEFRA Approved cattle scanner training course, allowing non-veterinarians to perform transrectal ultrasound scanning examinations on cattle

Bovine scanning PD scanning training

Modular Course

£750 + VAT per module OR

£1300 + VAT for the complete course

Open to all cattle farmers and farm staff

DEFRA Approved bovine pregnancy scanning tutor: Sally Wilson BVMS DBR MRCVS

Our DEFRA approved cattle scanner courses are held on a working dairy farm, in very small groups, to enable high amounts of attention and tuition per person. The course is based very much on practical demonstration and tuition, giving each attendee as much practical experience as possible in identifying pregnancy by scanning cows. Module 1 covers the basics of scanning cows, with the second module increasing in intensity and level of practical tuition. By the end of the course, successful attendees will be equipped with the skills necessary to:

  • PD cows down to 35 days
  • identify twins
  • identify structures on the ovaries such as ovarian cysts
  • And fully comply with the legal exemption as required by The Veterinary Surgery (Rectal Ultrasound Scanning of Bovines) Order 2002. See link: Cattle Welfare Code

In order to attend module 2, module 1 must firstly be satisfactorily completed.

Extensive notes will be provided with “practice work” between modules which will allow the attendee to improve his/her practical cattle scanning skills before attending the next module. There will also be back up advice and phone support between modules with visits/coaching supplied on-farm at a reduced hourly rate if required.


What you can expect from each Module:

DEFRA Approved cattle scanner training: PD cows by scanning - Module 1 (2 day Course)

Qualifications: All attendees must already hold a DIY AI certificate in order to attend this Module.

This module teaches how to:

- Identify the uterus and manipulate it manually

- Identify the uterus with an ultrasound scanner

- Feel a pregnancy manually from 7 months plus, down to 3 months

- PD scanning cows from mid pregnancy to dry-off


DEFRA Approved cattle scanner training: PD cows by scanning - Module 2 (2 day Course)

Qualifications: All attendees must have successfully completed the DEFRA Approved cattle scanning Module 1 in order to attend this Module.

This module builds on Module 1, focussing on successfully and confidently identifying early bovine pregnancies. It will enable attendees to:

- PD scanning cows down to 35 days with an ultrasound scanner

- diagnose a cow as not pregnant from 35 days upwards.

- identify twin pregnancies

- identify pyometra and some other uterine abnormalities

- indentify the ovaries, with significant structures such as cysts

This DEFRA Approved cattle scanning course takes place on a working dairy farm, so is limited to very small numbers: we recommend that you register to receive notification of an upcoming course . . . and BOOK EARLY!

Booking now!

We have 1 course(s) of this type booking now:

PD-ing Brendan Evolution Farm Vets
16/07/2025 to 17/07/2025
Inwood Farm
Nether Stowey

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